Formed into the Image of Jesus by Following Him Together
Church is more than a gathering on a Sunday. The Church is a Community that lives all of life together under the Word: Jesus Christ and the Bible.
Small Groups are one of the primary ways we follow Jesus at DMGC.
Small Groups are one of the primary ways we follow Jesus at DMGC.

Learn more about Small Groups
What are Small Groups?
Each group gathers in a home to love each other (John 13:35), share a meal (Matt. 26:26), pray for each other (James 5:13-16), so we might be formed into the image of Jesus as we follow him together (Colossians 3v9-17).
They are modeled after the early church in Acts 2:42-47 who were devoted to the apostles teaching, fellowship, sharing a meal, praying for each other, practicing their spiritual gifts, worship, and making disciples of all nations.
They are modeled after the early church in Acts 2:42-47 who were devoted to the apostles teaching, fellowship, sharing a meal, praying for each other, practicing their spiritual gifts, worship, and making disciples of all nations.
Should you join a Small Group?
Church is more than a Sunday morning gathering. Historically, “the Church” has been God’s people gathered in homes, around a table.
Living in Community is how we “do” church. The church is a family, and as a family, we all pitch in. You can’t live life alone. You need a family, and this family needs you.
Living in Community is how we “do” church. The church is a family, and as a family, we all pitch in. You can’t live life alone. You need a family, and this family needs you.
Can we invite people who don't go to church?
As missionaries to our city, we proclaim the good news of Jesus through hospitality. As we share life and work in the city, we partner with God to see the Kingdom of God come in Des Moines.
What happens in these Small Groups?
Every week, the group leader guided the group fellowship, prayer, discussion questions, and more prayer. Each time you gather, we are devoted to spending time with each other, learning to be a family, and slowly conforming into the image of Jesus. There’s no quick fix to the destructive effects of sin, just the slow process of discipleship in the way of Jesus.